Who Owns My Heart -Recado |Volta do conto |Anúncio

Um conto erótico de Brunoo
Categoria: Homossexual
Contém 671 palavras
Data: 28/04/2015 01:39:50


Saudades de vocês meus amores.

Venho comunicar que vou continuar a postar a minha história, em alguns dias estarei de volta, agora com menos erros na escrita, depois de 1 ano e mais alguns dias, resolvi voltar. Na verdade estava aqui na CDC, li alguns contos e percebi que estou com um tempo livre, então decidi postar todos os dias, agora sem falta, quero terminar a 1ª temporada, que faltam poucas partes, para poder começar a 2ª(com novo título) e paralelamente, um novo conto, não vou falar desse conto, mas ele não é real, é fictício, lembrando que vou continuar a minha história, enfim, espero que meus antigos leitores retornem e também espero atrair novos leitores... À propósito,manifestem-se nesse recado, por favor, para que eu saibam se vão continuar/começar a ler ou não, enfim... Obrigado desde já

A Irmandade Secreta do Sexo eBook Kindle

Dannilo|Bruno / Wagner

Beijinho beijinho e tchau tchau.


Who Owns My heart - Conto


Como tenho que atingir o tamanho necessário, vou completar com uma música.

Never Let Me Go - Lana Del Rey

Hold me in your arms,

Love me like your best friends did,

Promise I won’t hurt you kid,

Hold me really tight until the stars look big,

Never let me go.

All the world is ours,

Like they say in Scarface kid,

You can push your drugs and I can make it big,

Singing CB Jeebies have a real good gig,

Hey you never know.

Cause baby we were born to live fast and die young,

Born to be bad, have fun,

Honey, you and me can be one,

Just believe, come on.

If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away,

It’s a game boy,

I don’t wanna play,

I just wanna be yours,

Like I always say,

Never let me go.

Boy, we’re in a world war,

Let’s go all the way,

Put your foot to the floor,

Really walk away,

Tell me that you need me more and more everyday,

Never let me go, just stay.

We gonna go far,

I can already taste it kid,

LA”s gonna look real good,

Drive me in your car until the sky gets big,

Never let me go.

Send me to the stars,

Tell me when I get there kid,

I can be your Nancy,

You can be my Sid,

Get into some trouble like our parents did,

Hey, they’ll never know,

Cause baby we were born to be bad,

Move on,

Built to go fast,

Stay strong,

Honey, you and me and no one,

Just believe,

Come on.

If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away,

It’s a game boy,

I don’t wanna play,

I just wanna be yours,

Like I always say,

Never let me go.

Boy, we’re in a world war,

Let’s go all the way,

Put your foot to the floor,

Really walk away,

Tell me that you need me more and more everyday,

Never let me go, just stay.

I remember when I saw you for the first time,

You were laughing,

Sparking like a new dime,

I came over,

“Hello, can you be mine?”

Can you be mine,

Can you be mine?

If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away,

It’s a game boy,

I don’t wanna play,

I just wanna be yours,

Like I always say,

Never let me go.

Baby it’s a sweet life,

Sing it like song,

It’s a short trip,

Only getting one who can count on me, my love, more than anyone,

Never let me go.

If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away,

It’s a game boy,

I don’t wanna play,

I just wanna be yours,

Like I always say,

Never let me go.

Boy, we’re in a world war,

Let’s go all the way,

Put your foot to the floor,

Really walk away,

Tell me that you need me more and more everyday,

Never let me go, just stay.

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